Sustainer Giving That Stands the Test of Time

Pioneering The Salvation Army’s First Monthly Giving Program

The Challenge
The Salvation Army needed a giving model that could withstand the test of time and create a reliable source of income. Our goal was to develop a program that not only generated consistent revenue but also cultivated long-term relationships with donors.

The Solution
Summit Marketing established The Salvation Army’s first, and most successful, monthly giving program — the Bed & Bread Club®. Built upon the simple premise of a person giving $10 each month, the Bed & Bread Club quickly grew to amass thousands of loyal monthly donors. We also developed the Daily Bread Providers Club® for those Commands that do not offer shelter.

The Results
Since its inception, the Bed & Bread Club® has raised over $200,000,000 for The Salvation Army, and remains the organization’s highest-performing monthly pledge program. With over 100 Bed & Bread Clubs in cities across America, this consistent revenue stream has empowered the organization to make a lasting impact on communities across the nation. 42% of Bed & Bread Club® members give to an average of 2.4 appeals per year, showcasing the effectiveness of the program in transforming one-time donors into engaged supporters. These members often become our clients’ strongest planned giving prospects and donors due to their set patterns of loyal, year-after-year giving.