Voice Broadcast Strategic Telemarketing Increases Holiday Revenue

The Challenge
Summit Marketing was approached by a Salvation Army Area Command in the Southern Territory seeking to increase holiday donation response rates and revenue through voice broadcast messages.

The Solution
We implemented a data-driven, strategically segmented telemarketing approach. Donors received scripted voice messages via landline or cell phone that directly correlated to our Christmas Donor and Christmas Re-Engagement appeals. The recorded message thanked the donor for their support and highlighted several relevant programs and services. These voice messages were sent in advance of the direct mail campaigns arriving in donors’ mailboxes.

The Results
The direct mail donors who received the pre-mail telemarketing message donated at a 70%-74% higher response rate than donors who did not receive the voice broadcast message, which significantly increased revenue. We increased this client partner’s revenue and response rates by maximizing the timing and impact of voice broadcast messaging with our direct mail campaign. We delivered the voice messages as close to the expected in-home direct mail campaign date as possible. Ultimately, the strategy of pairing these two individually strong channel tactics provided our client with greater financial support to fund their mission.